Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Real Nigga shit of the day

Man you know what I dunno what it is about me yall but lately I've been having real nigga shit encounters. And these encounters aren't the kind you see in Sci Fi or on chiller channel my friend. They are legit real nigga shit moments! These are hard to find these days since everybody think's a real nigga is supposed to be the biggest thug ever in life. The truth is, a real nigga is a man. Simple and plain.

I pride myself on being a real nigga so I know how to spot um when it's time. So I see homie and his chick walkin down the street. Usually when a dude walkin down the street he aint go be cuddled up with no chick cuz that's instantly blockin yo self outta extra rewards in life. Homie didn't care though he seriously made it obvious he was committed to ole' girl and it was actually pretty dope.

The moral of the story is don't fear commitment because it pays off. I don't wanna be the first guy to say yo' girl's hot and I'd hit if I could but it's true. So be proud of what you got man, becuz some times the ladies deserve they props.



Go Team Sexy Independent chicks!

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